FFXIV Endwalker MSQ 43-Returning Home

3 years ago

This is all story dialogue and cutscenes. I cannot believe Thancred just sent us to bed...

So I will include all nighttime talks. Here is the order I went in:
26:05: Thancred- I chose him first because he has always been her first friend in the scions and kind of her protector. I started out in Ul'dah so it makes sense to me.

29:55: End of Quest Scenes-Dark Knights watch the Ishgard scene closely who do you see?

33:50: Alisaie- she is as close to a younger sister as we have got and she does worry about us so very much.
37:05: Alphinaud- He has been with us just about every step of the way and is definitely like a younger brother
40:31: Estinien- that was just perfect for him. Love this character.
44:00: G'raha Tia- poor G'raha, he seems so nervous
48:03: Y'shtola-ok I cannot be the only one who thinks she was being a mother hen. Loved it. Though I am a bit confused by her lines. Is the poor joke acknowledging that our character is/was Azem and what did she mean we didn't see Amaurot battered and broken?

The Scions have truly become our family. These scenes are so endearing.

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