
2 years ago

Good evening and hello.

Back in 2012, I stepped foot into a journey that would change my life forever. I started writing a novel.

I created these special characters, their own individualities, as well as their harrowing stories based on our World's violent past. I would also like to note, this World's atrocities past and future, has and always will be, witnessed by the inhabitants from such menace inflicted upon them.

Please allow me to explain a little more about this. Dreams come to us all. Whether it be of happiness or dread, blissful or nightmarish...interpretation is what we make of them.

If you cannot remember the dream, there's nothing left to decipher. Some people however, dream in different languages, dream thousands of miles away in a world not of their own; some live the past as if it's their present or future.

The more we embrace this gift...the more clearly you'll see past all the lies and deception.

Be so warned; people interpret things oh so differently. All I have witnessed throughout my life has taken its toll.

"Brutally honest" can be quite difficult at times to swallow...don't bite off more then you can chew. Fortunately for me, I've turned what some would call a curse, into what very few would call a privilege.

Be that as it may, with all my "daily tasks and responsibilities" I have not been able to finish my novel. The story is complete and it has been for a long time; I simply cannot find an editor who is brave enough to put their political beliefs behind them, who is completely at liberty to go forward with an open mind. let's face it, both the obese elephant and the arrogant jackass would be highly distraught from all their villainous acts I've showcased for the whole world to endure.

"War is wicked, war is cruel. Because of this, I will not create words to shield its menacing sight to you."

A little over a year ago, I created a tease for all you curious. I feel now.... (I have my reasoning so there!)

It's time for you to meet Immitis. Who is he you ask? I can tell you that he is a known murderer and a savage by some; he is a poet and a leader to most.

His name was given to him from his adversary by his own "doings". He has endured great loss. he has been created from not just my soul, but from many others.


"Thank you.

Vision 'tis clarity their whispers speak truth; why oh why do their eyes seek proof?

Living these nightmares or inhabiting dreams?

I shall dearly hold them close to heart and mind; their voices will flourish among these stories that bind....adore or despise, that I leave to wretched mankind!!!"

So....He lives on in each and everyone of us. He speaks freely because there's nothing left from him they can take.

Interpret him as you will; humanity has always hastily judged....hence the reasoning of this colossal mess we're in.

Don't point your finger at your opposite. Instead point your finger at've allowed all of this to have I.

God bless the United States of America!!

God bless all that will fight and perish to preserve her!!!


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