They Want Us To Hate Each Each Other, Don’t Let Them

2 years ago

I had one one my best friends cut me out of his life last week because of a hat. The media has created such lies and stories and so many people have been brainwashed they don't even see it.A few years ago my Make Canada Great Again Hat might have rubbed some people the wrong way but it would never have evoked hate and rage. I get it - its a spin off of "Orange Man Bad MAGA" but that was not my intention. I just really liked the hat. It is red and white and I thought get ride of Trudeau and make our country great again.

But our media and our government has made it ok to hate your neighbour. They have made it acceptable to name call, bully, coerce and hate anyone who doesn't think the way you do. I hope with all my heart that more people will wake up and see what is going on.

If a gay man is standing on the right and white nationalist is standing on the left and they are both arguing on the same side against vaccine mandates; does that make them both gay..?

My friend knew me. He knew my heart and soul. Not once did I ever disrespect, insult or joke about racism the entire time we were friends. Yet because of the lies the media and government have allowed to be spread over the last few years suddenly I get treated like shit for wearing a hat.

THIS IS NOT OK. It never was and it never will be. Before you know it people will be calling the police on their neighbours. Or our young children will start to sound like Nazis and demand we start taking away more and more freedoms until people just submit... oh, wait. that is already happening.

I am scared. And I hope that everyone reading this will step back and see the bigger picture. Why is our government so hell bent on FORCING this vaccine when we all know you can still catch and still spread COVID. So why force it on the 10-20% of the population are so against having it injected into their bodies? Did you stop and think that maybe there is something else going on here?

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