3/1/22 The AxeTruth Show - Are You Ready? The End is Near

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The End is near, the nukes are going to be dropped , now that Covid19 has miraculously disappear. The propaganda television is in full effect.

1. Hollywood movies are crap now, the new multicultural diversity hire Scream Movie is AWFUL . I could only make it 40 minutes before turning the movie off.

2. Chinx Cultural appropriation news Asian Marvel Actress is under fire from the Blaque Queens because she uses a "blackcent" with Asian character she plays

3. Shit throwing is now a thing in Gotham NYC , Man attacks woman with human feces inside Bronx subway station & NYC subway feces attack suspect in custody , the MSM is calling it mental illness

4. in Australia They are already saying it was YOUR choice to get the vaccine and you have the responsibility over your own body

5. Dirty Nevada Governor Confronted in Vegas Restaurant by Bitter Constituent

6. at CPAC Trump under Bush , Obama, & Biden Russia invaded a country

7. White Bagel Liberal Sarah Kendzior makes claims on MSNBC that Trump was installed

8. Reporter on the scene reporting very tense situation in Ukraine, but ppl walking casually down the street

9. RT reporting You’ve seen a lot of images and videos presented as scenes from the conflict in Ukraine they are not factually accurate

10. Kamala Harris breaks down what is happening between Ukraine and Russia on the morning hustle .. sounds like she's explaining this to a 2nd grader

CashAp- $Axetruth

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