Episode 54. Part 1. Sexy Time with Sam. Infidelity. Long Term Sexuality. Shame/Guilt Disconnect.

3 years ago

We both loved our shame vs guilt talk that we wanted to Psaki back to sexy time. Questions sprung up (giggity) about claims I've made about female numbers with respect to infidelity. We thought that would make a good talk, especially since Heath (and his wife) didn't think I had the data to back it up.
Well not only did I find the data I needed, I found additional stuff that surprised me as well. Good talk on relationships and sexuality. There's still more on the table so expect this to be continued. This one really kind of addressed a disconnect we had in the other conversations. The key was, Heath was speaking from a perspective of shame while I was speaking from a perspective of guilt.
Part 2 is Wheel of Time oriented but we also discuss the concept of free will. I have to do some editing on that since we originally thought we had to do a short one but later in the day found the time to continue the conversation so I have to combine the two recordings.

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