(Unedited) Police Raid Freedom Village, Wellington, NZ Wednesday. March 2, 2022

3 years ago

Police Raid Freedom Village, Wellington, NZ
Wednesday. March 2, 2022
Credit: Chantelle Baker and Megan's Live Feeds @ NZ Parliament

Here's raw footage I've recorded from Chantelle and Megan's live feeds (https://www.facebook.com/ChantelleBake) as Police move in violently on the protesters.

Police punch and pepper spray the protesters. A large number dangerously rush the protesters. Many people are hurt. At least two police fall to the ground as their colleagues walk over their own.

At around 6AM, police moved in, securing the library, removing tents and setting up a perimeter in riot gear. Near the entrance to Parliament grounds, the police then started removing tents on the pavement, including a cooking area, using pepper spray on many innocent people.

As of around 8:30AM, police start removing protester vehicles with forklifts.

Sue Grey, Nelson lawyer and co-leader of the Outdoors Party, said (https://t.me/laron_g_s/5334) the Police Commissioner has been threatened with his job unless he removes the protestors.

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