64-kilometer military column advanced towards Kyiv.

3 years ago

64-kilometer military column advanced towards Kyiv.
A huge military column with a length of 64 kilometers advanced in the direction of Kyiv. As part of the military column there is a huge amount of the most diverse equipment, the total number of which, according to rough estimates, is about 2300 units.
On satellite images provided by MAXAR, you can see the process of movement of the military convoy towards Kyiv. Its dimensions seem simply unbelievable, since the lead cars have already reached the outskirts of Kyiv, while the trailing ones are about an hour away.
The military convoy includes army trucks, towed artillery pieces, light armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks and air defense equipment, providing cover for the military convoy from possible attacks. The exact number of military personnel in the column remains unknown, however, it is estimated that we can talk about several tens of thousands of people.
Experts note that such forces will be enough to completely block Kyiv and force the Ukrainian military and radicals to capitulate without any preconditions.

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