All about Tree Planting and Bio Degredable Product

2 years ago

About The Executive Centre:
The Executive Centre has welcomed ambitious global professionals for over 27 years. With over 150+ Centres in 32 cities in 14 markets across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, TEC helps its 38K+ Members find private and flexible workspaces tailored to their business.

About BISA:

BISA is a Business Networking Platform for Indonesia - Singapore
We provide various services aim to help business growth.
BISA was established in 2009 from initiatives by 3 Indonesians young entrepreneurs based in Singapore (Eka Mardiarti, Linawaty and Stephanus Titus Widjaja) with the same understanding spirit "gotong royong" and "saling membantu".

Helping business owners to connect globally with potential investors and overseas partnership opportunities
Established since 2009 by 3 Indonesian Entrepreneurs

Climate change/crisis which we are experiencing now e.g. changing of climate pattern, high temperature, bushfire, heavy rains, flash flood etc, can not be ignored any longer. Everyone of us can help, even small steps can create a big positive impact to the climate change. InCareAsia welcomes all of you to join us helping to restore and preserve the environment through planting with purpose and creating more awareness to use biodegradable products.

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