...and back to our point about voyeurism

2 years ago

had to end the last video due to another bitch in the bathroom relieving themselves
every living creature on planet earth does this shit
society documents a, b, c...
documenting sexual stuff due to degeneracy
all i'm doin is taking a shit vs. putting up sexual positions on interweb
many will profit off of delusional thinking of the freaks
only fans omg
never selling pics of my feet, but i'm sure that somebody will dig this shit
talking while i'm peeing...is it artistic?
this is about me, it ain't about chu
world constantly fighting over attention
everyone is a narcissist now due to this grandiosity involving exaggerated sense self-importance
the world is a buncha fighting kids
filming w/ canon CAMCORDER
dude @ electronic express flabbergasted by my existence
smartphones, 2007 RIP: social fabric
totally aware of whatever you wanna tell me
not doing what everybody else is doing, why is that crazy?
whenever you get your free will back
it doesn't even work but i can do this over here ALL BY MYSELF
fuck these sinks
the ones who created this bathroom have no faith in me *or anyone that uses it
a society w/ no standards, morals, or ethics
they don't mind being babied...SMARTphones HELLO???
gonna be stupid like you've been err day OR you gonna wisen up
wisen is going to be a verb, today
i really like the sound of that

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