Chippers SA Demanding a Royal Commission into the Mainstream Media Petition

3 years ago

RALLY SPEECH 26TH February 22, 2022

Today Chippers SA are here to ask you to start talking about, spreading the word and demanding a Royal Commission. We want you to start demanding a Federal Royal Commission in the pandemic and a State Inquiry into the finances behind the handling of the same. We’d like to know whose palms have been greased and at what cost to our state and your pockets. However today as part of the Epidemic of Prejudice action we have a parliamentary petition we’d like to ask you to sign. From the recent quality reporting of the Canberra Protest by the MSM we can plainly see that they are now pissing on us without even bothering to call it rain! We demand a Federal Royal Commission into the Mainstream Media!

The petition subject and content that will be submitted to the Honourable speaker and members of the house of representatives is as follows:

The initiation of a Royal Commission into Mainstream Media’s Discriminatory and Coercive Reporting


We believe the Mainstream Media have exceeded their original remit for fair and objective reporting in the public interest. Since the onset of the pandemic, they have used their power to coerce, bully and discriminate against Australian Citizens who wish to exercise their rights for personal choice. They have publicly maligned and divided our society in a drive to achieve compliance with vaccine uptake even within States that have not initiated blanket mandates. This division and relentless pressure have caused generational mental anguish amongst our population. The damage caused by the removal of personal autonomy through media influence cannot in any way be understated.

Public interest has descended into public harm with no heed for the consequences to the people they serve. As a business all Media outlets must have a duty of care. We have seen no evidence of accountability, only a blatant disregard to the rights of reply. Further we believe that the twin corporate monopolies have crushed independent reporting and have jointly created the necessary environment for malicious propagandist content. The Press Council, a body positioned to administrate public complaint and maintain media standards, also appears to have avoided its responsibilities.


We therefore ask the House to
heed the voices of your petitioners and initiate a Federal Royal Commission aimed at investigating the adverse consequences related to the programming decisions and content of ALL Australian mainstream media outlets. We would also request an investigation into the Press Councils apparent impotence during this time.

Now we had to stick with the formatting of the government petition but here are some additional dot points about why a royal commission into the media is necessary.

• The twin corporate monopolies that dictate what we read and hear regardless of the truth. Their networks, kickbacks and collusions
• The mental health impact caused by their bullying and influence cannot be denied or side stepped
• The tax breaks given by Scott Morrison to the media – was it a $41 million tacit license to coerce the Australian people on behalf of the government who by law couldn’t?
• There are endless articles relating to the way the media have created crisis in our communities – HIV/AIDS, glue sniffing, ram raids. Nothing has ever been done because the magic Freedom of the Press card. We don’t want to censor objective journalism but while ever our information is being drip fed from just two corporations – effective oversite is needed.
• The potentially irreparable damage they have wrought on families through the creation of a class divide

Please come and sign up, its time to use our numbers in a way that cannot possibly be minimized. Chippers are in the crowd right now wearing hi-vis yellow vests and carrying petition clip boards. Also if you would like to have some strong views about why you want the MSM to be investigated, we have some journals with us that you are welcome to have your say in.

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