A Finite Time Singularity | The Geoffrey West Series | Episode 3 (WiM146)

2 years ago

Theoretical Physicist Geoffrey West joins me for a multi-episode series exploring his excellent book "Scale: The Universal Laws of Life, Growth, and Death in Organisms, Cities, and Companies."

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Geoffrey's Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010P7Z8J0/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Geoffrey's Profile: https://www.santafe.edu/people/profile/geoffrey-west

Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-what-is-money-show/id1541404400
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8EewBGyfQQ1abIsE?si=wgVuY16XR0io4NLNo0A11A&nd=1
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00:00:00 “What is Money?” Intro
00:00:08 Geoffrey’s (Undisciplined) Approach to Writing…
00:11:00 Physical Activity and Activating the Creative Juices
00:14:58 Tools Geoffrey Uses in the Writing Process
00:17:30 Geoffrey’s Approach to Reading…
00:22:40 Just Write or Edit-as-You-Go?
00:25:45 Cormac McCarthy’s Involvement with Geoffrey’s Written Work
00:30:31 NYDIG
00:31:39 The Scaling Characteristics Specific to Organic Growth
00:37:53 “Social Metabolism”: The Super-Linear Scaling of Inorganic Growth
00:42:37 Could Super-Linear Scaling have an Undiscovered Limiting Factor?
00:44:12 A Possible End to Super-Linear Scaling: A Finite Time Singularity
00:51:36 What is the Nature of Innovation with Paradigm Shifts?
00:54:31 Sustainability as the Intelligent Exportation of Entropy
00:58:18 Harnessing Fossil Fuels and the Attendant Shift to a Global Closed System
01:01:52 Respecting the Role of Scientific Thinking in Socioeconomic System Design
01:05:34 James Maxwell Advocating the Economic Value of Electromagnetism
01:08:30 From Living on Energy Flows to Energy Stocks: The Transition to a Closed System
01:16:56 My Story of Legislation Destroying the Residential Solar Power Business

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