The Great I Am will pour out His tribulation judgements on everyone left behind

2 years ago

I am that I am has had enough!! He has had enough with all the cultists, all the gays, lesbians trans, he has it with black people stealing and killing each other all the time, He has had it with abuse, He has had it with lukewarm church people who keep Easter, Christmas, palm Sunday, act like they know Jesus but do not at all, He has it with the masks and vaccines, God is super super angry and ready to pour out His wrath and He will and there will be no stopping once He does and He will do it to crush everyone left behind and all those who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast will suffer the most!! God will make all of you satanic vaccine followers suffer so much you will long to die because you will all kill anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and will celebrate!!! God told Noah my heart can't stand all the wicked people I will send a flood and kill them all and will spare only you and your family, Noah and his family entered the ark and The Most High closed the door and everyone outside did not enter and The Lord poured out rain and everything that lived all died but Noah and his family did not for they were spared, same with all those who will be snatched away by Jesus in the rapture we are spared from the Most High wrath and judgements on everyone left behind, God will not spare anyone at all and you could have gotten ready but refused to so it is your own fault if you get left behind!! Jesus will not come back and get you at all!! He rejected everyone left behind and will not care what happens to you at all!! That door is shut and the Bridegroom will be celebrating a wedding in heaven and will not care about those left behind on earth at all!! Only the 14.00000 will be protected everyone else will not be and will have to prove they love Jesus even if they kill you and grab your family members and shoot them in front of you, you must not deny Jesus at all for if you do that is it!! God will be testing those left behind to see what you will do if you get serverly persercuted what you will do! Will you stand up for Jesus and get killed or will you join the antichrist cursed crowed and suffer God fierce judgements poured out on those who worship the antichrist and got his image, you can not escape persercution at all in the tribulation period, there is no easy way out for you at all the easy way is now over and you are in the great tribulation!!!

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