Romans 13 and the American Christian- Sunday Message 2/27/22- Shane Bost

3 years ago

Is civil disobedience ever warranted- even approved by God? Or are Christians to submit to all government? What does the Bible say? What is the importance to have religious freedom?

Summarizing a 1750 sermon, from principle figure of the Second Great Awakening, Rev. Dr Jonathan Mayhew, Benjamin Franklin developed a motto:
"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God"- originally floated as the United States State Seal.

Join us as we venture through a theological, biblical, and historical reflection on Romans 13. The institution of government is ordained by God, but does that mean all specific governments are blessed by God?

Additional passages used:
Micah 6
Isaiah 59
Hosea 2
Acts 4-5

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