The Inner Whispers Interviews # 6 Allowance, Abundance, Birth, Seth

3 years ago

Episode # 6 Starts with April Crawford giving more detail about how she visits different time periods while she leaves and VERONICA comes in. Then April replies to a question from Bill who wants to know how one would know they are speaking truth and what about doubt?

Allen asks VERONICA to describe a few more concepts from his "list" from her perspective: Allowance, Ability, Birth (Followed up with a question about why VERONICA would choose to go through so many physical lives and physical births), and Abundance.

Allen asks VERONICA to expand on something she said before "Don't look behind you for what you want in front of you".

Allen relays a question from Don, (to paraphrase) Does a person always have the same personality in different lives or do parents shape it? .

Allen relays a general question from many about the Entity known as Seth, What does VERONICA feel are the differences between her and Seth, and ,,,,, does VERONICA know Seth?

Allen relays a common question from listeners essentially, "What happens to bad people when they die?" Really bad people like Dictators and Kings that kill many people. Do they get off Scot Free when they die? VERONICA gets into some after death myths.

A Question from Katie: Connecting more with guides. Not being so scared about emotions.

A Question from Paula: How do Spirit Guides Feel when the Soul in their care commits acts of cruelty, pedophilia, or murder:?

VERONICA's Message To The World

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