Off Grid Living, Truck Camping: What I Do For Work 9 Months Out Of The Year

7 years ago

**We have a formal volunteer agreement with the US Forest Service and BLM**

I get asked all the time what I do for work while I live off grid and truck camp full time. Here's a snapshot into the trail work and trash clean ups I perform on a daily basis March - Oct in Central Colorado. I am co-founder of a trails maintenance company called CORE - Colorado Off Road Enterprise.

We are solely funded by Business Sponsors, CORE Apparel Sales, Annual Club Memberships, and Friends of CORE Donations. All proceeds go directly towards daily trail repair and trash clean up efforts in the San Isabel Natl Forest and neighboring BLM lands. We have 15 adopted trails from the Forest Service and are proud to keep them in great shape and trash free for everyone's enjoyment.

Apparel Store -

1 year CORE Membership ($50) -

Friends of CORE donation ($20) -

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