The David Knight Show 28Feb22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

* INTERVIEW: Doubling Down on Free Speech — reporter ARRESTED for covering Jan6 runs for Congress. Sam Montoya,
* Recycled videos, recycled lies — the propaganda war in Ukraine quickly debunked compared to previous propaganda war campaigns
* Duck and Cover (your face) says FEMA. Nuclear attack? Don't forget to social distance and mask. Is this crazier than even the Cold War?
* NUCLEAR ALERT from Putin? When the Wind Blows — the strategic advantage of Chernobyl, now occupied by Putin
* CDC changes "expert" advice on masks? No, it's political pollsters for DNC telling Democrats their Covid tyranny is alienating everyone
* CPAC is where GOP goes to reverse itself on masks, lockdown, mandates and Warp Speed jabs
* America's protest, People's Convoy, reaches Texas from California on the way to DC area
* FDA, CDC and media know myocarditis is real, not rare as they offer advice on how to lower RISK. Risk? What risk?

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