"The Christian in Society" - January 24, 2021

3 years ago

Sermon Text: Titus 3: 1--2

I. Opening Salutation (1: 1-4)

II. Body (1: 5 - 3: 11)
A. Appointment & Qualifications of Elders
(1: 5-9)
B. Elders' Duty to Refute False Teaching in Crete
(1: 10-16)
C. Instructions to Various Groups regarding Christian Living
(2: 1-10)
D. Theological Basis for This Christian Living
(2: 11-15)
E. General Instructions about Living as Christians in Society
(3: 1-2)
F. Theological Basis for The Christian Living Grounded in Holy Baptism
(3: 3-8)
G. Final Instructions about Dealing with False Teaching & Teachers
(3: 9-11)

III. Closing
A. Personal Instructions (3: 12-14)
B. Greeting (3: 15)

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