232. Conversations: Why Does Paul Say To Look To The Exodus Generation?

3 years ago

Tonight, we will have a look at why Paul instructed those living at the ends of days to look to the Exodus generation some 3,500 years ago as an example of the things to come. We are not to imitate them but to learn from them and do better in the same circumstances. If you were thinking we might be living at the time Y’shau will return, these important instructions from Paul provides some interesting lessons about the world we live in and encouragement that this is leading up to the time God’s people are brought into the Promised Land.

1 Corinthians 10:11
Shemoth (Exodus) 1:8-10
Shemoth 12:36
Shemoth 5:2-9
Shemoth 5:17-23
Yesha’yahu (Isaiah) 46:9-10
Sirach (Ecc) 3:15
Bemidbar (Numbers) 21:5
Shemoth 14:12
2 Corinthinas 10:3-5

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