Movie Remix: Changing UNCHARTED from Action & Adventure to Horror & Adventure. Flash Fiction #shorts

3 years ago

This is a movie remix changing the premise, genre, and title of the
number 1 movie in this weekend's box office to create a movie remix
premise, in this movie remix I change Uncharted from an ACTION
& ADVENTURE into a HORROR & ADVENTURE to change the current
movie premise into a movie remix premise.

Movie Remix Premise: A son of the streets and smart, Nathan Dark is recruited by a long-lived soul possessor who calls for young Nathan to use his natural gift of recovering lost souls, in a quest that can last centuries.

In A Box Office Movie Remix entitled "UNMAPPED."
#movieremix #Uncharted #youtubeshorts #Unchartedmovie
#tomhollandUncharted #unchartedvideogamemovie
#howtowriteamoviepremise #howtowrite #flashfiction #moviemashup
#comicsgate #fandommenace #thefandommenace
#number1movieinAmerica #markwahlberguncharted
#number1boxofficemovie #flashfictionexamples #flashfictionideas
#tomhollandnathandrake #antoniobanderasuncharted #unchartedfanfiction
#writingchannelonyoutube #youtubewritingchannels
#unchartedfanfic #boxofficemovies2022 #videogamemovies
#writingpromptsforwritersblock #creativewritingpromptsforwritersblock
#fanfiction #creativewritingexercises

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