2-27-22 | 𝕁𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕒 𝟞

3 years ago

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Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer valued listening as an important part of leadership. It was as valuable in ministry as speaking and preaching. He said, "He who can no longer listen to his brother will soon no longer be listening to God, either." When God speaks, it's in our best interest to listen. However, it is also important to listen to our brothers and sisters in Christ - they just might have something to say that can redirect us in our relationship with Christ. - Pastor Ken
Thank you for checking out our videos. You can catch us live every Sunday between 9am and noon on YouTube. Catch up on past services here or on our media site: https://subsplash.com/calvarysyracuse/media

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