20220228 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Monday, day 715 of "15 days to flatten the curve."
Biden and NATO announced harsh sanctions on Russian financial transactions, but for some reason energy sector transactions were exempt. Oil and gas are a huge part of the Russian economy, why would they be exempt?
Yesterday, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister called the west “traitors to humanity” for allowing “money soaked in our blood” to be exempt.
Larry Kudlow had an interesting observation. In 2008, oil topped $100 a barrel and Putin took Georgia. In 2014, oil topped $100 a barrel and Putin took Crimea. Oh look, oil is close to $100 per barrel now.
It was Mark Twain that said, “History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes”
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Until tomorrow, Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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