I Lost 246lbs - Today I Reveal My Excess Skin | BRAND NEW ME

3 years ago

SANDI McCoy, from Louisville, Kentucky, turned to comfort eating when she discovered that a pseudo-brain tumour was making her go blind. At her heaviest, Sandi weighed 420lbs and could no longer put her shoes on without her mom’s help. She realised that she needed to lose weight - and fast! Through a combo of clean eating and exercise, as well as bariatric surgery, Sandi lost over 240lbs. Now Sandi keeps the weight off in a way that’s sustainable to her. She enjoys hula hooping and going for long walks. Since losing the weight, Sandi has faced body dysmorphia due to all the loose skin that remains on her stomach and legs. Today, Sandi is embracing her beauty in a photoshoot that will show off her excess skin. She told Truly: “I want everyone to know that you are beautiful no matter what you look like.” Sandi is joined by her friend, Kate, as they both pose in gym kit, showing that you can be fit and healthy despite your body still having imperfections.
Follow Sandi on IG: @vsg_queendiet

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