Server overview

3 years ago

Originally uploaded to Youtube on April 21, 2014

Nokia N Gage review:

I have mentioned in the past that I wanted to do a video about the server that I found. Well, here it is. I did the best I could with the tools that I have, but there are some very obvious short comings, especially in comparison to things like the SGC videos. This does not look anywhere near as good as that.

This video was a pain in the ass to shoot. For reasons beyond my control, we no longer have an HD camera. I wound up using an old VHSC camera that I found at Salvation Army last year. I bought it for maybe 7 bucks. I did everything within my power to disguise the fact that this is a VHSC camera, but the video quality can only get so good.

What I wound up doing was recording a section of the video, popping the VHSC tape into my adapter, popping it into the VCR that is hooked up to my PC and recording that segment. I would, then, take the video and pull it into Sony Vegas where I would edit it. I would go back and record more.

Even then, this was more complex than that. The camera recorded its own motor noises very loud. IT was very annoying. None of the sound on the tape was usable. I had to record it separately, which I did with the microphone you see me using in this video. IT was hooked up to a laptop that was off camera. I had to edit that in audacity to remove background noise (There are a couple of points during this video where I attempted to cover up minor background noise with background music) and load it up into Sony Vegas where I would do my damnedest to sync the video with me talking on the tape. When I had that good enough, I would mute the tape sound so that all you hear is the audio captured through the microphone and laptop.

When I got those two lined up and matching, I was FINALLY, ready to edit. I did color correction on every shot in this. I sharpened every shot in this. I added a lot of music in various places. The music I used was all playing at various volumes so some was barely audible on the track for it. I wound up creating 6 audio tracks just so all of the music would sound right.

This wound up being the single most complex and difficult to shoot video that I have ever done. I did my best to set up shots and get good lighting with the tools that I have to work with, but the camera I was using just sucks. I hope the video is still enjoyable, though. I did put a lot of time and effort into this one. IT probably took 8 to 9 hours of work straight to get this done.

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