Alex Jones confronts David Gergen about his Bohemian Grove affiliation; Rituals Of The Elite

3 years ago

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Alex Jones confronts David Gergen advisor to Presidents Ford, Reagan, G.W. Bush and Clinton on his membership in the secret society Bohemian Grove.

These satanic abominations are being performed by some of the most powerful men on earth. They imagine that their grievous behavior is hidden from God and from you and me. But God sees all. His judgement awaits. And now, with the book Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy, we, too, may observe the wicked sins of these arrogant and violent men.

The Bohemians hold the lives of billions of human beings in over 175 nations across the globe in the palm of those hands that former President Richard Nixon said are “faggy” and unclean. Be wary, dear friends. Your very life and that of your loved ones are at stake here.

This is the Alex Jones Film Inside Bohemian Grove. This is the famous footage shot by Alex Jones of what the world elite are doing in the remote mountains of northern California.

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