Fr. Hesse: The Mess Manifest (Remastered Audio)

2 years ago

Fr. Hesse on the Freemasonic infiltration in the Vatican, Secretary of State, Opus Dei, plus more.

Notable topics and quotes from his talk:

“And [Pope Leo XIII] chose for his secretary of state a certain cardinal called Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, who unfortunately was not only a MEMBER of a Masonic lodge, but had founded his OWN Masonic lodge. So that's when everything started. […] And when St. Pius X died, one of his own protégé – his own spiritual son – became Pope and that's Benedict XV. […] In 1903, when Leo XIII died, Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro almost became Pope. […]” Canon Hesse explains why he knows this information via the Empress of Austria Zita. “Francis Joseph, the before last Emperor of Austria who reigned between 1848 until 1916, knew that Mariano Rampolla was a Mason. And so he pronounced the century-old veto against Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro by the time he had had two-thirds of the votes. And this is how St. Pius X got elected. […] and this is of course family tradition in the Hapsburgs.”

“So in 1903, we almost had a Masonic Pope. In 1914, we got a Pope who could not exactly be called a Masonic Pope, but he was not all too unfriendly towards them.”

“[…] Again: naive and too trusting, [Pius XI] appointed a certain Cardinal Gasparri, who had been the Secretary of State under Benedict XV to be his Secretary of State. And Cardinal Gasparri was a sort of spiritual grandchild to Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro. So we get the same [Masonic] tradition going.””

Capranica in Rome: the center of Modernism.


“So by the time Pius XII died, the Church was indeed ready for the revolution. Absolutely and totally ready for it. The reason why our dear friend Archbishop Lefebvre always pointed out 1958, 1958, 1958, is simple: people get confused when you tell them the whole story. […] So in 1958, the Church was already in a mess. The only thing is you couldn't see it. Very few people saw it. But Pius XII left a shipwreck and Paul VI sunk it.”

“Well, there's very little say about John XXIII. We know he was a Communist because […] And this was the time the three most important factors of destruction in the Church grew: that was during the 19 infelicitous years of Pius XII. The three most important were: (1) the new Popes, (2) the new liturgy, and (3) the Opus Dei.”

Montini survived Pius XI’s reign because of Gasparri.

“Paul VI established a new church – which I call the counterfeit church – because it calls itself Catholic.”

About compromises needed to be promoted to be a bishop and in Rome. How the Conciliar Church is a gnostic sect, which deep down is Satanic.

About satanists in the Vatican.

“When you want to realize in what a state the Church is, then first you have to see in what a state this Pope is. I believe that this present Pope has never had the Catholic Faith. His documents prove that to me.”

Pope John Paul II was superstitious.

Fr. Hesse on Rome censures against the SSPX.

“Now the Opus Dei is the intellectual nucleus of the Concilar Church: it's the brain of the Conciliar Church. [...] And now his institution is the most powerful within the Catholic Church. They are the ones who serve the purpose of appeasing the conservatives [...] It's the Opus Dei: the brain behind that childish and absurd idea that Vatican II could have a Catholic interpretation.”

“The episcopal consecrations of 1988 are very, very easily justified.”

“If you don't understand these distinctions, you better don't talk theology.”

On Pope John Paul II claiming SSPX in schism.

“He's the most heretical Pope in history: definitely. But formal heresy means something pretty clear. This Pope is never clear! The only thing he's clear about is his enjoyment of pagan religions!”

On judging the Pope.

On Pope John Paul II’s education and background.

“I prefer Alexander VI who had children even when he was Pope over Paul VI a hundred times. Alexander VI was a rotten filthy pig but he did not [destroy] the Church.”

On Pope John Paul II’s encyclicals.

Where to look for leadership today.

Fr. Gregory Hesse, S.T.D., J.C.D., S.T.L., J.C.L., Canon Lawyer, Doctor of Thomistic Theology, lifelong friend and personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986-1988 has provided us with many talks and conferences where he gives a no-nonsense, intelligent, learned, and witty exposition and explanation of relevant topics facing contemporary faithful Catholics. Fr. Hesse got to know approximately 45 cardinals while studying and working in Rome for 15 years and he has an uncanny and substantial knowledge of many things. You would be hard-pressed to find another theologian quite like him.

You can download the free MP3 of all of Fr. Hesse’s talks to listen to on your computer or portable audio devices at:
That link includes 33 talks totaling 38 hours, 50 minutes of audio.
You can also download them here:

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