women pastors? is this biblical?

2 years ago

This is one of the most controversial subjects ever! People are arguing all the time because of this topic!
Why? Because sadly many of us are not interested in reading our Bibles and studying them seriously! No, we want to do things our own way!
We allow feelings to trump the Word of God, to trump reason..
And we carry on doing things our own way! And, then, there is a time consequences come our way for our rebellion and disobedience! And, we do not understand many times, even that time..
Lets study seriously the Word of God and there will be no confusion!
This message is not meant to convince anyone of anything! Just to present the TRUTH!
be blessed!
Many Bible references in this message.Will give one here
(1 Timothy 2:11–12).

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent”

pls subscribe to my ytube channel


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