3 years ago

Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 1:30 PM in the Des Moines, Iowa Capitol House Representative Jon Jacobsen held a subcommittee meeting to discuss The Medical Privacy & Freedom Act HSB 647 in which citizens provided testimonies with their stories of injury, discrimination, coercion, and job loss as a result of mandates. Speakers traveled from across the state and were set to speak in the capitol until midnight or later. 34th District Democratic Representative Bruce Hunter became very upset with the incontestable testimonies that did not fall in line with his agenda and stormed off. Representative Jacobsen claimed he would continue taking testimonies in the capitol until morning if necessary; however, his plan fell short as people in opposition to the bill were disturbed by the indisputable testimonies and forced everyone to leave around 8 PM. Determined to provide everyone with a voice, Jon Jacobsen continued to take recorded testimonies at a bar down the street up until around 11:30 PM. The recorded testimonies from the bar were entered into the Iowa Capitol archives by February 18, 2022.

Senior Council Member and Lawyer of Thomas More Society, claims that "Existing law that provides for accommodations is not adequate." Martin continues "religious accommodations are not adequate because they are limited to religious people and that is discriminatory. When we protect only religious people, we unreasonably discriminate against a huge and thoughtful segment of our population whose rejections are as legitimate as the religious ones. We treat dismissively the concerns and conversations that free self governing people should be happening."

If you allow employers, and hospitals, and colleges to impose a mandate or require vaccines you're gonna get it. It will happen. And those three aspects of our society are so pervasive that it is absolutely equivalent to having the government mandate it themselves. Finally, maybe most importantly, this is a legislative issue. We are in court in it all the time, and it is the wrong place. People say, and I have heard it in respect to this very bill. The courts have to deal with this. The problem with that is that the courts address
if they are doing their job, they address only in a limited way, bills passed by the people. Courts are not meant to legislate. They have taken power they were never meant to have.

Author of Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at the CDC, Kevin Barry joins the discussion. Kevin & Martin both believe the Medical Privacy & Freedom Act (HSB 647) could be a national template. Kevin states that "by protecting the privacy of the patient, you are protecting the privacy of the doctor as well."

# No Mandates
# Anti-Vaccine
# Anti-Vax
# Vaccine Protest
# Hold The Line
# Freedom Fighter
# IA
# Nuremberg Code
# Medical Privacy & Freedom Act
# Iowa State Capitol
# Vaccine Whistleblower
# Kevin Barry
# Martin Cannon

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