Season 1 Episode 1 Truth VibratorPodcast Piolt

3 years ago

My name is The Honey Badger, I am an individual trying to spread knowledge and help wake the masses up from the left and right paradigm and the Illusion(ati) world. I want to teach about Gematria, Chakras, Kabbalah, Hegelian Dialectic, political paradigm, secret societies, illuminati and much more. I am here to spread a message and educate people their is a Cabal that controls us. I will be using comedy, story telling and introducing storytelling. The main protagonist is The Honey Badger and the Antagonist are the Illuminati. Like Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Biden, Putin, Pelosi, Anderson Cooper, George Floyd, BLM, LBGTQ and many more groups. I am here to expose their agendas not the individuals that support them. I am here to unite and not divide. Please ask questions and not troll or be disrespectful.
About me: Currently a 31 year old male. I am a Wellness expert and a personal trainer. I am in the woods of Florida looking to create a commune to escape somewhat out of the New World Order. I am a Sagittarius and promote anyone to learn Astrology (the original Science/Space).
Enjoy my video and let me know if you want to be apart of the podcast as a character.

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