55. How To Avoid The #1 Regret In Life w/ Eric Winters

3 years ago

Aired on 7/21/2021

Today we have self-leadership coach and author of Swipe Right On Your Best Self: Simple Steps to a Bolder Life with Fewer Regrets, Eric Winters, on the show to talk about the #1 regret in life and how to avoid it.

In this episode, Eric explains the three main human predicaments that cause us to live smaller, timid lives along with three mindsets essential for courageous action to counter those predicaments and to own our lives. He also gives insight into practicing the ultimate gratitude exercise which can radically change us from the inside out.

For more on Eric Winters:

Website: https://www.ericwinters.com.au/

Book: Swipe Right On Your Best Self

LinkedIn: Eric Winters

Facebook: Eric Winters

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Website: Ownyourlifeco.com

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