Hospitality and Apt To Teach - February 27, 2022

3 years ago

Pastor Ben Kingston continues the character trait series with hospitality and apt to teach.
1. How do we practice hospitality?
a. We should practice hospitality without complaint. I Peter 4:8-9
b. We are not to love others for reward.
c. We are to show love to complete strangers.
d. Hospitality begins in the home.
2. Apt to teach
a. Must learn to communicate with others in a non-threatening
way. 2 Timothy 2:23-25
b. Absolute and resolute conviction that God's word is true!
c. We have to know God's word. 2 Timothy 2:15

-Do I excercise or practice self-control when I have the opportunity to teach?
-Is my conviction that God's word is true rock solid?
-Do I have a firm understanding of God's word?

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