Making a great Solar Cooker for $25

3 years ago

Just remember, this is a slow cooker, not an oven. The food is MUCH better when you slow cook food.

Great instruction and here's more from his comments:

You can make this portable solar cooker for under $30.00 and it really works great for cooking meats, vegetables, breads, rice, casseroles and much more. With cooking temps running around 225°F+ your meats will come out tender and fall right off the bone. Your veggies will be cooked perfectly, all the way through but with still the perfect amount of crunch left! Can be used when the sun is low in the sky and when it is right overhead. If you can see your shadow you can cook. No gas, charcoal, electricity needed... just the sun!

The plastic bag is not really an insulator, it is pretty much keeping the wind from stripping heat away from the black pan. It is important to make sure that your black pan/plate/bowl fits in the bag and that the bag is made from HDPE plastic that won't melt at the temperatures created by the solar cookers. You can also use large glass bowls instead of a bag. Many options. The sun heats the pan, not the air.

A woman had problems baking bread several times, although she is in high altitude in CO, but he said...

It's very important that your reflector is pointed towards the sun. If the funnel that you make is pointed away from the sun then you will not be focusing as much sunlight as you need onto your Pan. Additionally you can try a more reflective Reflect or. You can make one using mylar which you can also get from the inside of a potato chip bag.

A glass bowl with a lid on it is great... sometimes the thrift shops have glass lids from old crockpots... these are great. Just put a black plate or bowl inside to become the heating element.

Some asked if you can use a Dutch oven?

Works great as it holds heat when the clouds come through!

You can cook in the snow as long as there is enough sun to see your shadow... The plastic bag around your cooking pan/bowl/plate is the greenhouse.

Someone asked if you can put foil around your pan

He said...

You can but it won't work as a solar cooker. The black pan is what is heating up. If you put a reflective surface on it it will no longer heat up. Black pan+ extra sunlight equals hot enough to cook food. Black pan with less sunlight = black pan.

When asked where he got the reflector he said...

I got it from an automotive supply store. Napa Auto Parts in my case. You can also make a reflector out of cardboard and tinfoil. Better yet cut open mylar chip packages for the reflective film on the inside and tape that all over the cardboard.

He said a dark blue pan may work fine, try it before spray painting it.

Someone who wanted to get the temperature UP said he figured out how to do that.

His response...

You can make it hotter but no need. I like the slow cooking temperature around 225 degrees. You can make a solar oven with an insulated box and multiple wings and you can get the temperature up to 350 degrees or so. That is the difference between an oven and a cooker.


The shinier your reflector the higher temps you can reach with a simple cooker. For most meats, veggies, bread and rice you can cook at 225°F which is a slow cooker and get delicious results.

Men wanting everything to be MORE LOL

Someone asked if they can put a 12x12" brick and the shade instead of the bag.

His response...

The turkey bag keeps the wind off and increases the temp to your heating element by about 25°F. You can take a black plate and put a clear glass pyrex bowl on top to create the greenhouse... same principals apply. You are essentially focusing extra sunlight onto a black vessel inside of a little greenhouse. Food starts cooking at 180 and it turns out it is not hard to apply 225° of heat force with a car windowshade... a great cooking temperature.

Someone asked about a cast iron fryer with tin foil and a plastic bag?

His response...

Any kind of black pan/plate/bowl will do. You can also make a reflector from cardboard and tinfoil. The plastic bag must be HDPE so that it won't melt at cooking temps. The Reynolds Oven Turkey bags are good.

Someone who mentioned the plastic bag may give off fumes.

His response...

The Oven Turkey Bags are made fromi HDOE and handle the temps that the cookers produce. Any fumes will blow away and not enter the pan. If you have a glas bowl you can put it on top of a black plate, or use two glass bowls with a black plate/bowl inside. Greenhouse enclosure with black plate/bowl inside to make the heat. Thrift stores are your friend.

Someone trying to put him in his place said Sorry, but condensation is not an indication of boiling temp.

His response...

No need to be sorry. The moisture appears on the INSIDE of the bag when the food is cooked. I have used these cookers for years and this is how it works! Give it a try if you have not...



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Then we need to learn how to tap into our inner power and reach our higher self.

Looking outside yourself for saving is exactly what they want you to do, to think you have NO POWER.

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