New 911 footage released on the same day as Ukraine invasion - CGI

2 years ago

New 911 footage released on the same day as Ukraine invasion - CGI

There's so much wrong with this I almost don't know where to begin:

the video is released on the day of the Ukrainian invasion
the dialog sounds like it was written and acted by an 8th grade drama troupe
filmer is extremely specific and identifies the plane as both a 737 AND a United Airlines jet
gives the entire perfect standard narrative of what happened just like Harley Guy on the ground talking about "structural failure due to the intense heat."
after shaking the camera around like a bottle of champagne on New Years Eve at midnight, he manages an absolutely perfect tracking shot of the 2nd "plane" going into the WTC
amazing zoom on this VHS camera from 2001
boomer on the ground says not to go into any public buildings that day before mentioning he's a retired police officer
plane looks just like the completely debunked CNN cgi plane footage
I don't know if they were holding onto this vid for 21 years to release it now or if they just rendered the entire thing using modern day tech, but this thing absolutely screams fake.

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