Reasons why dogs don't like certain people.

2 years ago

Reasons why dogs don't like certain people.
It could be a specific person in the dog's family, a friend of their owner or a random person they meet on the street but dogs recognize an enemy when they see one. They may growl if the person approaches or simply turn their back and disappear. It sounds random, but it's not as mysterious as you think. Here are some reasons why your dog doesn't like certain people.
Dogs may not be fluent in your language, but they are experts at picking up on tone of voice. A scientific study published in 2016 found that dogs' brains react based on the tone of voice of the person speaking to them.
While your dog is assessing a person's tone of voice, it is also Observing their body language. Dogs rely on body language to help bridge communication gaps.
A comparative psychologist at Kyoto University conducted a study to determine if certain animals are capable of making social assessments in the same way that humans are. He wanted to know if dogs knew when one person was being rude to another and if this knowledge would affect their opinion of the person.
Dogs that dislike other dogs generally avoid people who smell like unfamiliar dogs. Other smells that dogs typically dislike include citrus, vinegar, mothballs, and alcohol.
Rescued dogs with a history of abuse and abandonment do not forget their traumatic experiences. Even when they move on and are adopted by loving families, the suffering they have been through often stays with them. In some cases, they develop fear and distrust of people who remind them of their difficult pasts.

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