Whatever Happened to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence?

3 years ago

So, a lot of people today “protest”. They take up a cause and say that they are “fighting” for their cause. But are they really willing to pay a price – an exorbitant price to defend that cause? Are they really patriots? How far are they willing to go?
This video is about what happened to the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This was a group of men that knew that once they signed that document, that they would be declared traitors and treasonous to the ruling government of England. They knew that by signing their names, they placed both their fortunes, their families, and their lives on the line.
This video shows what happened to them, and invited everyone to think about the true costs of life, liberty and freedom and the horrific costs that these early Americans – our forefathers, paid for us to enjoy these virtues today.

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