KGB Black Truth

3 years ago

KGB Black Truth

I reworked the audio on this because it was way too loud. Might be why most people didn’t watch it.

Recently Putin said something about going back to using more fact based lies. I don't remember where I read it, but I did run across that term again. Quite simply KGB Black truth is usually 98% verifiable truth and the remaining part is 2% lie.

This is how it works. You get some information that is propaganda from an enemy of the state in an email. There is a part of it that scares the heck out of you. Not wanting to be shown for an idiot you immediately get to work. After researching the entire email you determine that all of it is true because you were able to verify almost all of it. The part you can't verify hasn't happened yet or is hidden from everyone. (For a reason only you now understand. You are now because of the email in the circle of trust.) That bit you can't verify is the two percent that almost scared you to death. It is the reason for the entire email. It is a lie. Quite often the information is either terrifying or trying to convince you to do something. This is a propaganda trick that has worked for years. I got into an argument with a 911 truther once where he was going nuts over nano thermite and magnesium sulfate were used to destroy the buildings on 911. I saw the fatal flaw in his supporting argument immediately. Yes magnesium burns, but magnesium sulfate which is impossible to obtain is just Epsom salts. It is great for making nutrients available to plants and for soaking a sprained foot or drawing toxins from wounds by soaking injuries. Nano thermite sounds scary but it is a stupid idea. Now what does that have to do with the subject of this commentary? Well it has everything to do with it. This type of info is typical of the smartass version of disinformation. It is useful to get knuckleheads to show their real IQ so you know to steer clear of them. Now here is a serious version of that same type of disinformation. On 911 there is a conversation that takes place as someone is reporting the first jet impact on the world trade center building. As the report is being made the operator asks "Is this real world or is this practice world?" The person reporting says "This is real world." The reason the question was asked was that there was a training operation going that day too.

The propagandized version of this drew an emotional conclusion immediately and it was powerful. The assertion was that this proved beyond a shadow of doubt that this was an inside job. The training operation was used to cover what was really happening. People reporting things that were off would be ignored because they'd just seen the training operations ramping up. You'd be amazed at how many bought that lie and parroted it. Remember Goebbels? "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth."
There are other reasons that the two incidents were on the exact same day; coincidence, somebody from a foreign intelligence service helped, etc.

When you pass something on that is a lie you are accidently acting as a force multiplier for the enemy. Anything that tweaks your emotions in any way should be held as suspect.

Want to cut and paste this discussion feel free to do so. Just give me attribution. Put the link to the video up too.

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