Thinning broccoli seedlings

2 years ago

I am an inexperienced gardener learning through Trial and Error, sharing my journey with YOU!
In this video I am thinning my first seedlings.

Thinning is important in developing strong route systems. When initially planting seeds it is suggested to plant 2 to 3 seeds per peat pellet (or whatever method you may use, pots etc) to improve your odds of growth of at least one plant. This means you may have 2 to 3 seeds grow in the same place, and if left like this could limit the overall success of your plant.
Based on some reading I did on "leggy" stems which tend to be extra long and or floppy, I tried to use my best beginners judgement to pull the seedlings that seemed the weakest of the bunch.
Last year I began my garden by purchasing seedlings that were almost ready to be planted. I placed them on the same window sill I am using here and they did well. It is my hope these will also. If I notice them becoming floppy I will be using a grow light.

Hope this is helpful and inspirational. Happy gardening!

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