Wake Up, Loser (While You Were Sleeping)

2 years ago


Democrats have decided not to lockdown, again, lockdowns against which even the Wall Street Journal has rejected, following the science articulated by the WHO in 2006, and even the state of Maryland has eliminated nonmedical grade facial coverings, beginning Monday, despite a novel coronavirus, omicron variant that is far more widespread than the delta variant, and killing 2,000 people per day, according to the CDC. Even the putsch for vaccines has gone away, with Democrats ready to get on with their lives, content to just let the unvaccinated and noncompliant die, apparently, vaccines approved on the basis of a preprint of an efficacy test, not the effectiveness test required under the CFR, and developed with no official knowledge of the infectious dose for COVID-19, a required quantum of knowledge to develop an effective vaccine that does not suffer breakthrough infections.

And they are giving up as volunteers in Eastern Europe are joining the Ukraine military in a fight for their country, in battles that have already claimed lives on both sides, while Americans ran from a single strand of RNA, with a 1.18% case fatality rate, closing businesses, schools, libraries and churches just to get out of its way, measures that apparently would have made no difference at all in the mortality rate, according to the latest science reports, in an America approaching one million fatalities, despite the best scientists, validating being not only denominated as a loser against a virus that isn't stupid, as well as a coward, but also apparently not as smart as a single genome.

Currently on the plate of this retired Army Ranger, who served in the 75th Ranger Regiment, less than one percent of the entire Army, compared with SEALS, who comprise two percent of the Navy, and who amongst the best of the best was ordered to attend OCS to become a military intelligence officer, who went on to serve as the Operations Officer for all U.S. Army strategic counterintelligence, we have still an action regarding an unanswered FOIA before the Chief Justice, to determine the ownership and origins of this novel coronavirus, and, if, as all evidence indicates, the government owns this virus, the National Vaccines Pass for which GOP Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has enrolled, to make it convenient for you, becomes constitutionally invalid, because the government cannot create conditions to restrict your liberty.

We have a matter pending at the Virginia State Supreme Court to charge the Alexandria Sheriff who chose not to serve a complaint on the governor, and the Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney, who presented the dubious argument that it was at his discretion not to prosecute felonies, in contravention to the controlling statute.

We have an action in the U.S. District Court in DC to have an examination of the 15 boxes of classified information to determine if some of the information pertains to evidence that implicates Dr. Fauci for helping to develop the virus about which he has misrepresented to have been zoonotically evolved, and capable of a super spreader event, which a less than five percent infectious pathogen is four times too low in bandwidth to validate person to person transmission, and 12 times too low to set off.

And, we are preparing a demand to the Secretary of Defense and the President to permit soldiers who had been separated for refusal to take the vaccines that even now the government has abandoned as the defense against a novel coronavirus, with full credit for time lost with pay, and entitlement to all rights and privileges, as well as prioritization for promotion to the next highest rank.

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