4th Generation Ukrainian Supports Russian Invasion

2 years ago

4th Generation Ukrainian supports Russian invasion because of Biden's corruption. Biden stands to lose BILLION$ if Russia wins the war. This war is about Ukrainian CORRUPTION, nothing else.

Eyewitness Reports Indicate Ukrainian Army Fired First Shots in War with Russia

Western Media did not report that the population in Eastern Ukraine had been begging Vladimir Putin to send Russian troops to save them from American-backed invaders and Neo-Nazi militias.

Photojournalist Patrick Lancaster provided photographic evidence of Ukrainian army shelling of a school in the Donbass earlier this week.

Russian missile strikes have led to 7 out of 11 Biological Warfare labs being destroyed in Ukraine, but nobody is talking about it, because the media isn't reporting on it. So why not? Because the media is controlled by George Soros. Soros & Rothschilds fund the media. Imagine why? It's not rocket science, follow the money. It's all about greed.

This map may show more labs than this number, but now you have a bigger picture of why Russia has invaded Ukraine. You would invade them too, if those biological weapons were aimed at you. It's no different than when Soviet Russia placed missiles in Cuba.

Putin's War on Ukraine: It's not what you think.
Russia doesn't want to attack Ukraine. The Cabal attacking America has been using Ukraine to launder money. The Cabal is running a coup to take over the Ukrainian government. Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, Pelosi, Romney, etc. have been sending weapons to Ukraine.

They WANT to go to war with Russia. Why do you think they constantly tried to accuse POTUS45 of colluding with Russia? They want to destroy Russia because Putin opposes the globalists. Jacob Rothschild himself called Putin "a traitor to the New World Order."

This was planned to happen under Hillary but she didn't get elected. Putin is against the New World Order. #Russiagate was done to make Russia look like the bad guy.

Trump tried to stop it and the left tried to impeach him for it.

Russia did NOT want to go to war.

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