No Jab No Pay - but if you die it's your fault

3 years ago

What a piece of work! After mandating lockdowns, criminalizing the use of safe and effective anti virals, forcing people to be jabbed or lose their jobs -forbidding them to fly or cross borders to visit loved ones. Then shaming and scapegoating the unvaxed for non compliance. The individuals who did do their research and made an informed decision not to take the poison jab, - all to coerce the Australian pop to get an experimental gene therapy with well known serious side effects. The community was never informed of the known adverse events or deaths -yet now as the number of seriously vaxed injured and deaths mount dear leader says its their fault - you should have consulted your doctor to be fully informed. Yet doctors were not informed of the side effects and deaths and themselves were threatened with losing their medical licenses if they did not convince you to get the jab. So now the POS says if you get sick or die its all your fault -because your responsible for your own health.

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