Everdome, Metaverse coin

3 years ago


Everdome a new Metaverse cryptocurrency.
Everdome has been listed in Coingecko since 02/08/2022.
The current price of Everdome now ranges between 0.04 _ 0.05 $.
There is a lot of search for this currency.
In the future, Everdome could be worth over $1.

The market
The metaverse is on fire right now. With Facebook changing to Meta, Microsoft investing millions, to the market up-tick in companies like Roblox, Nvidia, and Decentraland - it’s quite obvious that the market is ready for this new immersive change in the experience of the internet. “How” the metaverse will be built is on everyone’s mind. Which means the logical progression from “if” the metaverse will be built has been surpassed. Markets that have already entered, or show massive upside with a presence in the metaverse are many - but early adopters look to purchase land in order to be prepared for the masses that fall into a few categories.

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