Hua Chunying talks about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis

2 years ago

Hua Chunying talks about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, first scolded foreign media for "preconceptions" and then scolded the US as "unqualified" to teach China how to do it 女戰狼發威! 華春瑩談俄烏危機 先嗆外媒"先入為主" 後嗆美國"沒資格"教中方怎麼做

Bloomberg: Can you say then China considers Russia’s action an invasion? Is it an invasion? Is it a violation of the UN Charter?

Hua Chunying: We have stated China’s principled position on the Ukraine issue. There is a complex historical background and context on this issue. The current situation is the result of the interplay of various factors.

We noted that today Russia announced its launch of a special military operation in eastern Ukraine. Russia’s defense ministry said that its armed forces will not conduct missile, air or artillery strikes on cities. China is closely monitoring the latest developments and calls on all sides to exercise restraint and prevent the situation from getting out of control.

I would like to stress once again China’s consistent position. We should pursue common, cooperative and sustainable security for all countries. The legitimate security concerns of all sides should be respected and resolved. We hope all sides will keep the door to peace open and continue to work for deescalation through dialogue, consultation and negotiation and prevent further escalation.

CCTV: Speaking on the Ukraine issue, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said that China should respect the principle of state sovereignty and territorial integrity and that China has an obligation to urge Russia to “back down”. He also said the growing relationship between China and Russia is concerning. The two sides’ joint statement shows that China is trying to use its influence on Russia to create a world order both want. Do you have any comment?

Hua Chunying: I noted the remarks by the US State Department spokesperson.

First, when it comes to respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity, I’m afraid the US is in no position to tell China off. The Chinese people have deep understanding and strong feelings about state sovereignty and territorial integrity through first-hand experience. Recent history saw China invaded by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and other colonialist powers, which left behind indelible poignant memories of national humiliation. Just a little more than 20 years ago, the Chinese embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was hit by NATO bombing, which killed three Chinese journalists and injured many more. NATO still owes the Chinese people a debt of blood. Even today, China still faces a realistic threat from the US flanked by its several allies as they wantonly and grossly meddle in China’s domestic affairs and undermine China’s sovereignty and security on issues including Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan. China remains the only permanent member of the Security Council that has yet to realize complete national reunification. It is because of all these that China consistently and firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and basic norms governing international relations, firmly safeguard its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and firmly defend international equity and justice.

If we look at the US, during its nearly 250 years of history, there were only 20 years when it was not conducting military operations overseas. The pretexts it used can be democracy or human rights or simply a test tube of laundry powder or even fake news. Such a country’s understanding of respect for state sovereignty and territorial integrity is definitely different from ours. The international community can see this very clearly.

The US side suggests that Russia acted with complicit support from China. I don’t believe Russia would be too pleased to hear that. Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and an independent major power. It is fully capable of formulating and implementing its diplomatic strategy independently based on its judgement and national interests.

I must also stress that China-Russia relations are based on the foundation of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party. This differs fundamentally and essentially from the practice of the US, which is, ganging up to form small cliques and pursuing bloc politics to create confrontation and division based on ideology. China has no interest in the friend-or-foe dichotomous Cold War thinking and the patchwork of so-called allies and small cliques and has no intention to follow such a path.

As to the China-Russia joint statement, I suggest the US side give it some further study. China and Russia aim to strengthen strategic communication and coordination, firmly uphold the international system with the UN’s central coordinating role in international affairs, and firmly safeguard the international order based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law. This shows exactly that China and Russia are acting responsibly and positively maintaining international strategic security and stability.

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