Day 3 of 10 Days of Rain, Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia.

3 years ago

Young man enjoying rain & fresh mud in Amtrak Buggy
gets bogged in bush. 🙄
Calls Dad who un-bogs son then gets bogged 🤨
Son drops into neighbor (me) to help
But I'm bogged in the back yard 😳
Jump start Tractor with Buggy to Un-bog Patrol 👍
Jump start Patrol with flat battery with buggy 😖 👍
Patrol now running and un-bogged. 🇭🇲
(Ol Lady's not going to like the new gouges in the back yard,😡 🔥 Oh well it'll mend............eventually. 🤷‍♂️
Now the fun starts, "Just like That !" . 🤣 🇭🇲 🇭🇲 🇭🇲
Just in time to go snatch out the other blokes who were originally on their way to help.....................but got bogged 🤣

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