Peoples Convoy, Elk City, OK

2 years ago

Saturday 26th of Feb, 7:30 pm:
Coming from Utah, this is where I joined up with the convoy.
This is a small portion of the group. (It would have been a long video to walk around the whole parking area. I haven’t heard the actual numbers yet.

Earlier, there was a group of locals, (Texans and Oklahomans) which compared in size to the Convoy itself, showing their support.
Many supporters who can’t do the whole journey join for a short distance and return home. And I can’t promise I can stay long either. I have a side quest to explore properties in the Smokey Mountains region for off-grid living. So when that dream becomes a reality, I may work on some content that documents that whole experience.

Anyway, everyone here is friendly and welcoming. You don’t get this kind of camaraderie in day to day life.

I probably won’t upload tons of video cause I am not getting great service on the road. My data is out of high speed. However, I might try to upgrade for a month. No guarantees.
I am kinda going nuts not getting my daily dose of truth vitamins and mental awakening, [#awakenotwoke] via podcasts and anti-legacy media videos. Pandora is in and out, so I’ve been tuning into AM radio, which actually, is kind of nostalgic.
It’s a refreshing change to listen to classic talk radio, such as Coast To Coast AM with George Noory, and hearing call-ins from regular folk expressing their opinion on political talk shows. Sleepy Joe ought to tune into AM radio when he has trouble sleeping at night.

Btw, I plan on adding supplemental commentary to all my videos, since it takes an eternity to upload.
Thanks for watching. I honestly don’t care if people “like and subscribe”. I’m not trying to get famous or anything. I’m leaning toward getting out of the system as much as possible.
My hope is that this freedom movement will encourage US citizens to unite to vote for limited government, so we can live without the fear of “Big Brother” breathing down our necks all the damn time!
Till next time.

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