SpaceX Starlink Satellite Mission HOAX

2 years ago

SpaceX claims to have launched 50 Starlink satellites into earth orbit on Feb.25, 2022. Apparently the SpaceX engine runs better when all kinds of unknown junk (someone's lunch bags, mice, crumpled paper, garbage, birds/moths?) is moving/sliding/crawling around on the engine while it's supposedly hurtling up into "outer space".

Absolutely nothing in this video has been "doctored" in any manner, it is all extracted from the original spaceXcentric video footage.

This video was created to help spread the truth.


This video is compiled from extracts taken from the SpaceX video footage, posted on their website at:
as well as a brief clip extracted from the spaceXcentric website at: --

This compilation starts at roughly the 14-15 minute mark in the original video, at the 15-second mark in the launch countdown. After roughly 45 seconds of footage we jump ahead to the interesting parts that show the various pieces of garbage moving around on the rocket engine. Certainly not what one would expect to see in "outer space". We then move to the point where the 'booster stage' is supposedly landing on the 'recovery ship', which is at roughly the 23 minute mark in the original video. Of course there is no camera looking up to film the booster supposedly coming down to land, and coincidentally the camera looking out onto the deck disconnects, and after a moment of other footage the feed comes back to life with the 'booster' now magically sitting on the deck. Also added into this clip is a snippet from the spaceXcentric web feed, where the "reporter" from spaceXcentric makes a comment that "these drone-ship cams aren't that reliable". LOL, yeah, right, they can make a rocket that can fly into space and come back and land on a small boat floating around in the ocean, but they can't make a camera that works reliably.

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