Re-wire your subconscious mind with PSYCH-K | Dr. Patricia Mills, MD

2 years ago

The subconscious mind can be helpful or harmful to your health - and for many of us, there are harmful thoughts and patterns that were wired in at a young age. These thought patterns can be really hard to escape from or even be aware of. PSYCH-K is a therapist- provided treatment that is reported to get into those limiting beliefs, and transform them into beliefs that serve you and your health!

In this video I speak to Meagan Connley, a certified PSYCH-K® facilitator, to explore this fascinating world that I know little of.

A little bio on Meagan Connley!

She is passionate about living a life of love and flow. As a certified PSYCH-K® facilitator, she helps you unearth the answers you have within yourself, reclaiming your power to create the life you want.
Through work and life, Meagan also leverages her training in the Enneagram, DE&I, and Brené Brown's Dare to Lead, as well as her lived experiences of healing from anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and gut issues.

You can find her on Instagram @meaganconnley or email

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Chock-full of wisdom and hormone balancing recipes, this is my git to you - enjoy!

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To your vibrant health,
Dr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD
Functional Medicine Practitioner
Health Transformation Expert

#subconsciousmind #mindset #epigenetics #psychk

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