#13 Diamond Painting Journey

3 years ago

For this video I am reporting back on the successful use of my ceramic cutting tool and how I used it. Poured glue versus double sided adhesive is discussed as well as rivers that can appear on the double sided adhesive and how to deal with them. Also discussed: why I use a light source from the top; how I handle excess wax in my diamond painting pen. Static in your drills?! Oh no!! Here’s a tip on how to handle that issue.

Lingo: release paper, poured glue, double sided adhesive, rivers

Ever Moment (this canvas is 60cm x 80cm with square drills)
“I’m Half Sick of Shadows” said the Lady of Shalott

Painting info

Diamond Painting Ceramic Cutter
https://www.amazon.com/Painting-Parchment-Perfectly-Accessories-Blue&Pink/dp/B08TLXZSTY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=28BXIME1G0OBW&keywords=diamond+painting+ceramic+pen+cutter&qid=1644470543&sprefix=ceramic+pen+cutter+for+diamond,aps,230&sr=8-2&th=1 Diamond Painting Ceramic Cutter

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