Dream how Jesus sees the lukewarm phony Christians

2 years ago

There are 10 virgins, 5 are wise and 5 are foolish, Jesus will not take anyone who is not prepared at all for Him and wearing rags, carrying wilted flowers He will not accept you at all because you are not found worthy to marry the King of Kings at all, Jesus will only take those who are prepared and RSVP and ready to escape before the 7 year tribulation begins and many pastors, church members will be left behind because they care more about being a church member, gossiping, sleeping with another man wife, lying, and acting like the world and are so dirty that they are not ready to go in the rapture at all, once the trumpet sounds thousands of people will be gone and church members and pastors will be left behind because they act like they know Jesus but do not at all and Jesus is not fooled at all!! He will tear down all the pagan Christmas junk down, he will destroy all the pagan Easter junk in churches and yell it is written My house will be called a house of prayer and you turned it into a den of thieves!! Jesus hates religion, He hates churches, potlucks, small groups and everything fake Christians do in these man made churches, they honor God with their lips and their hearts are far from Him!! It is not a game anymore and Jesus will leave many lukewarm phony fake christians left behind because they are not ready to go at all!! Time is up and if you get left behind Jesus will not come back and get you at all you are alone and must find God by yourself and prepare to sacrifice everything to follow Jesus even your life and family!! God is very very angry and not playing anymore games at all

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