Episode 535: Looking at the writers of the Gospels - Part 2 - St Matthew

3 years ago

Chapters of St. Matthews Gospels

Chapter-1 · The genealogy of Christ: he is conceived and born of a virgin.
Chapter-2 · The offerings of the wise men: the flight into Egypt: the massacre of the innocents: and the return from Egypt.
Chapter-3 · Preaching of John: his penance: his baptism. His reproaches against the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus Christ comes
to him, and is baptized.
Chapter-4 · Christ's fast of forty days: he is tempted: begins his preaching in Galilee according to the prophet: fixes his abode at
Capharnaum: calls Peter and Andrew, James and John: his miracles, reputation, and
numerous followers.
Chapter-5 · Christ's sermon on the mount. The eight beatitudes, and other instructions.
Chapter-6 · Alms, prayer, and fasting recommended, ostentation to be avoided. Forgiveness of injuries urged: simplicity of
intention, and greater solicitude for the next than this life.
Chapter-7 · Rash judgment and profanation of holy things condemned. Confidence in prayer, and earnest endeavours for
salvation, recommended. Cautions against false teachers. Perseverance in the practice of
Christian virtues.
Chapter-8 · Cure of a leper; of the centurion’s servant; of the mother-in-law of S. Peter. Dispositions for following Jesus Christ.
The storm appeased. Devils driven out of two men possessed, and suffered to go into the swine.
Chapter-9 · Christ heals one sick of the palsy; calls Matthew; cures the issue of blood; raises to life the daughter of Jairus; gives
sight to two blind, and heals a dumb man possessed by the devil. Harvest, and workmen.
Chapter-10 · Christ sends out his twelve apostles, with the power of miracles. The lessons he gives them.

Chapter-11 · John sends his disciples to Christ; who upbraids the Jews with their incredulity, and calls to him such as are sensible
of their burthens.
Chapter-12 · Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees, and confutes their attributing his miracles to Satan.
Chapter-13 · The parables of the sower of the cockle: of the mustard seed, and more.
Chapter-14 · Herod puts John to death. Christ feeds five thousand in the desert. He walks on the sea, and heals all the diseased with
a touch of his garment.
Chapter-15 · Christ reproves the Scribes. He cures the daughter of the woman of Chanaan: and many others: and feeds four
thousand with seven loaves.
Chapter-16 · Christ refuses to shew the Pharisees a sign from heaven. Peter's confession is rewarded. He is rebuked for opposing
Christ's passion. All his followers must deny themselves.
Chapter-17 · The transfiguration of Christ: He cures the lunatic child, foretells his passion: and pays the didrachma.
Chapter-18 · Christ teaches humility, to beware of scandal, and to flee from the occasions of sin. He promises to his disciples the
power of binding and loosing: and that he will be in the midst of their assemblies. No
forgiveness for them that will not forgive.
Chapter-19 · Christ declares matrimony to be indissoluble: he recommends the making one's self an eunuch for the kingdom of
heaven; and parting with all things for him. He shews the danger of riches, and the reward
of leaving all to follow him.
Chapter-20 · The parable of the labourers in the vineyard. The ambition of the two sons of Zebedee. Christ gives sight to two blind
Chapter-21 · Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass: he casts the buyers and sellers out of the temple: curses the fig-tree: he puts to
silence the priests and Scribes.
Chapter-22 · The parable of the marriage feast: Christ orders tribute to be paid to Cæsar: he confutes the Sadducees: shews which is
the first commandment in the law: and puzzles the Pharisees.
Chapter-23 · Christ admonishes the people to follow the good doctrine, not the bad example of the Scribes and Pharisees: he warns
his disciples not to imitate their ambition: and denounces divers woes against them for
their hypocrisy and blindness.
Chapter-24 · Christ foretells the destruction of the temple: with the signs that shall come before it, and before the last judgment. We
must always watch.
Chapter-25 · The parable of the ten virgins, and of the talents: the description of the last judgment.
Chapter-26 · The Jews conspire against Christ. He is anointed by Mary. The treason of Judas. The last supper. The prayer in the
Garden; The apprehension of our Lord: His treatment in the house of Caiphas.
Chapter-27 · The continuation of the history of the passion of Christ. His death and burial.
Chapter-28 · The resurrection of Christ. His commission to his disciples.

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