I Want to Get Married, He Doesn’t—also, he’s 10 years younger…

3 years ago

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I’m 33 and I’ve been in a relationship with a man 10 years my junior for 2 years. I had no intention of starting this relationship and definitely didn’t expect to continue to this point.

Things have been going well but recently I have been feeling like I want to get married and possibly have another child. I know he’s not ready and I respect that; we did talk about it and said we should stay together because we’re happy. He said marriage itself isn't that important but he could see marriage in our future in possibly 2 years.

I must admit my desire for marriage grew stronger after attending my cousin's wedding and being approached by the groom's friend. He is closer in age and more settled professionally.... Obviously, I couldn't act on his advances. I did see him weeks later at a church event in the park.

I must add my partner became agitated when he believed I wanted to get married after I attended two weddings in quick succession. It wasn't initially on my mind but the ensuing conversation awakened something—making me think about things I could possibly have—especially now that I am due to start my job which will set me in my career.

I am not sure I can wait for 2 more years for marriage and another child but obviously, I may have to wait longer if I break up with him and start a new relationship.

I don't know if I should end things and hope to find what I’m looking for with someone, or just enjoy things how they are going....

I have to admit my age is probably playing a factor into this and not wanting to waste time with a young man who doesn’t know what he wants.

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