Pfizer COVID vaxx research in rats shows decreased fertility, increased congenital anomalies

3 years ago

To get their unnecessary experimental injection approved, Pfizer submitted a document to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). This organization is concerned (at least in theory) with the safety and efficacy of medicines and therapies, and is the equivalent of the American Federal Drug Administration (FDA).

The document was submitted on January 8th, 2021. It seems that this document was not open to the public, but has been made available to the public recently through a Freedom Of Information (FOI) request. You can download it here:

Part of the research on safety and efficacy was done on rats. Regarding fertility, the report says on page 55:

"Increased pre-implantation loss in BNT162b2 group cf. the concurrent control group, but within historical control
data range."

Pre-implantation loss refers to eggs that have been fertilized outside the body (in vitro) and subsequently inserted into the womb (artificial insemination).

If you look at the data presented in the table, the increases in pre-implantation loss is anywhere between 17% and 139% higher than the control group. Pfizer justified this increase by saying that it is within historical norms, but this seems like a severe safety signal to me. At the very minimum this information should have shared with the public for adequate informed consent.

This article says:

"There are really only two reasons for pre-implantation pregnancy in IVF - either there is something wrong with the embryo itself that does not allow it to implant, or there is something in the environment of the uterus that doesn't allow the embryo to implant."

Since it is not plausible that there is a difference in the embryo between the control group and the injected group, it must have something to do with the environment.

Moving on to fetal variations and congenital anomalies and malformations, discussed on page 55-56 of the report, you see an increase in all vaccine groups compared to the non-injected control group. If the control group had 0 malformations in about 135 rats, the treatment groups regularly had 1.

If the control had a few abnormalities, the treatments group had anywhere between 40% and a whopping 300% increase for the development of extra ribs (supranumerary lumbar ribs) for the version of the jab that was eventually used for mass poisoning of humans.

Again, Pfizer justified this increase by saying that it is within historical norms, but this seems like a severe safety signal to me.

This brings back memories of the thalidomide crimes. Thalidomide was a drug given to pregnant women and caused congenital malformations, such as very short arms. The seller knew this, but kept on selling the toxin without warning the public.

Good video's on thalidomide are:

Safe and Effective, Then and Now | Sam Bailey

Thalidomide: Still with us half a century later | Deutsche Welle


Video segment extracted from:

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